Mindset, Self-Care and the Science of Manifestation

Receive world-class tools, training, and support to heal, grow, and manifest your goals in this 12-month mindset, breathwork + meditation subscription.

What is Soul Work?

Get clarity on your goals without self-doubt. Level up without the overwhelm. Thrive without the guilt.

Make friends with yourself-doubt. Learn to send love to your overwhelm. And tweak that nose of guilt and shame.

Why? Because building the life that you want is a priority… but finding the time to do this amongst everything else is, well, kind of exhausting.

You know—and, bless you, you are trying! —to take good care of yourself.

You want to show up for your friends and family. You are leaning into your business and career. You desire to make a difference. To have impact! You know you need to move your body, eat well, get all that life admin done, and squeeze in regular time to work on your personal and professional goals.

Is it possible to make time to work on it all?

I would say a resounding YES! This is your Soul Work. This is what you are *really* here to do, in this lifetime.

My name is Briony (hiiii!) and I would love to be your guide on your Soul Work journey.

Briony Gunson mindset coach soul work

For both the Soul Work Solo and Soul Work Sisterhood subscriptions, there is no minimum commitment.

Join any time and cancel any time—no questions asked.

How do you know if this is for you?

Can you relate at all to these experiences?

  • Making changes can feel overwhelming

  • You’re tired of people-pleasing or putting your needs last

  • You’re not sure how to make new habits stick

  • You really want to believe more in yourself but you’re not sure how

  • You are tired of just “getting by”, and you’re “sick of being sick”. 

  • You feel stuck in a career you don’t enjoy

  • Success feels like it's something to happens to other people, but not you

  • Your inner critic bashes you about a lot

  • You often feel heavy, low, or lost

Underneath that confusion and self-doubt, there is a part of you that *knows* that this isn’t all there is. Part of you is so hungry for change. And now you are ready to embrace that, even if it’s scary.

What if… you had the tools to have you move through fear and anxiety?

What if… with the right tools and support, doing what’s good for you became the norm over time?

What if… you knew how to keep refocusing your mind back on what’s important? 

What would it feel like to be clear on meaningful goals for your personal life and business—goals that motivate you to get moving each morning and seize the day? What would it be like to feel as though you’re in the driving seat of your life, and not just a passenger. What would it be like to actually live, rather than just get by or exist?

I know you are busy, and you value your time. You want personal development practices and tools that really work. I totally get it! Time is the most precious resource we have. So what are you waiting for?

It’s time to step up to the plate. To do your Soul Work and get you creating a life of meaning. A life well-lived! Aren’t you worthy of that? (Hint: the answer is a big fat YES!)

What you get with the Soul Work subscription:

The Soul Work subscription acts as your guide and wayfinder. Your heart is the compass! And you are the territory. As you go on this journey of self-discovery and adventure, every step brings you closer to the most incredible treasure of all—your true self.

In the past you first became who you needed to be in order to survive.

Now, it’s time to become who you need to be in order to thrive. And thriving starts with the belief that you are worthy of the time it takes to achieve your wildest dreams.

Are you ready to thrive?

Let yourself continue to shed who you were, to make space for who you are becoming.

“The snake that cannot

shed his skin



What are people saying about Soul Work?

Here are some snippets from the comments of our awesome Soul Work community.

”I have so many plans about where I want my business to go and couldn’t think of a better container to be in alongside the belief coding one than Briony’s. I’m ready !! The best is yet to come!!! Xxx” - BO

“I loved these, Briony. I think a few tears showed themselves as a lot really resonated with me.” - CS

“I am in the bath having delegated tea making to the kids ... go me!” - NW

“[breathwork] was so powerful for me today. I moved a lot which helped with releasing some heavy emotions that have been buried for a really long time about my mum. I've cried a lot and my body wanted to shake… so I've let that happen. The last song was beautiful and left me crying in gratitude for this experience... Thank you Briony for the session and everyone for the shares ❤️” - NA

“Is it greedy to have pages of desires? 😂 i feel uplifted and excited after that task. Writing them down makes them feel real.” - LM

“I didn’t realize how much I have my potential in a box, so to speak, based on my life so far. Exposing a deeper level of my self limitation (which feels like chains which are tying me down) will be super freeing” - EF

I'm so very blessed to be here in such a supportive and safe space moving forward on my journey. Thank you for creating this Briony and I look forward to what is to come this year and beyond. Many blessings xx” - RH

“I feel that nourishing myself properly, breaking old habits, dealing with things differently etc is what is needed to open up my pathway for the manifestations to come in.” - RH

“Love that the breathwork sessions will help us tackle our mountains so that we may be more present to the here and now.” - LD

“Briony, thank you so much for these beautiful meditations. They are really helping me connect to myself and my true thoughts. It’s been really beautiful this morning to connect with myself this morning xxx these feel so powerful and supportive xxx” - MH

“I've come to realise quite how much of an energy drain it is to be around people who don't share the same desire for growth as me, so I'm excited to have this to keep leaning into as I decide my next steps for my life and business.” - LD

“This process has been a little mind blowing for me, such practical steps to uncover such hidden thoughts. So empowering. I look forward to writing the affirmations list as now, I want to replace them with intentional and healthy statements. I am so grateful for the steps you are walking us though, Briony.❤️” - EF

“This technique is exactly what I need right now to help me with the changes I want to make. I often get frustrated that the want for change is there but I just can't seem to see it through. I love how one tool can be used to see the situation currently and then flip the situation to be more aligned with what you truly desire.” - RH

Why join the Soul Work Sisterhood?

Community and Connection: Immerse yourself in a supportive sisterhood of like-minded women. Share your struggles, celebrate your victories, and lift each other up along the way. 

Personalised Guidance: Benefit from personalised guidance during live group coaching calls with Briony herself. Receive tailored support as you navigate the twists and turns of your personal journey. 

Holistic Tools: Explore a mind-body approach to self-care and personal growth. From mindset shifts to self-care rituals, to breathwork practices and somatic tools, you'll discover practices that start to align your mind, body, and soul (even if it feels like herding cats at first!)

Take the first step towards a life well-lived.

Join Soul Work Sisterhood today and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

Invest in yourself. Invest in your growth. Invest in Soul Work Sisterhood.

Well… what are you waiting for?

For both the Soul Work Solo and Soul Work Sisterhood subscriptions, there is no minimum commitment.

Join any time and cancel any time—no questions asked.

You don’t have to choose between taking care of yourself and making your dreams a reality.

Welcome to the Soul Work Sisterhood Subscription.

Your time to shine is now.

You are always either creating or disintegrating, growing or dying. It’s up to you which one wins. And you can’t pour from an empty cup. 

Which path will you choose?

Be supported + guided on your journey

  1. Embark on your own self-guided journey with Soul Work Solo at £33.33/month

  2. Or be directly supported with Briony as part of the Soul Work Sisterhood at £88.88/month

Make steady progress towards creating a life you don’t need to take a holiday from.

From goal setting and habit change, to the foundations of meditation and breathwork, to the science of manifestation and money mindset, the Soul Work subscription will give you a broad sweep of key topics so that you have the simple tools you need to make BIG BOLD changes to your life. You’ll receive new life-changing practices, guided meditations, breathwork sessions + mindset coaching lessons. 

Throughout the whole process, I will personally support you in making self-care a habit, which will give you the energy to heal and transform. And then we’ll repeatedly set meaningful intentions, so you can infuse your mental attention and take regular action towards goals that get you fired up!

Do you know what your greatest gift to the world is? For you to be vibrant, grounded, well-resourced and expressing yourself fully! Give yourself permission to let go of what no longer serves you so you can show up in life as your authentic self. 

Let’s get you moving towards your goals in a meaningful way.

Step up to the plate and do your Soul Work.

For both the Soul Work Solo and Soul Work Sisterhood subscriptions, there is no minimum commitment.

Join any time and cancel any time—no questions asked.

Bob Proctor

“Change is inevitable, but personal growth is a choice.”



  • Each month in Soul Work, you get a brand new content module to work through on your own time, including a guided meditation, journal prompts, breathwork practices, and an explainer PDF containing the teachings for that month. You also get access to the monthly live group breathwork session!

  • We kick off the Soul Work journey on February 1, 2024!

    Once you’ve subscribed, you’ll be prompted to make an account in Kajabi, where all of our course information will be posted and breathwork recordings shared. You’ll also receive an email officially welcoming you to the journey.

    Make sure you bookmark the Kajabi link so you can find it easily, and then keep an eye out for emails from Briony (briony@brionygunson.com) with more information. We will be releasing the content roadmap and breathwork/coaching call schedule soon, so you can get those times on your calendar!

  • This subscription option is for anyone over the age of 18 who wants to create a life they don’t need to take a holiday from.

    Learn about the power of mindset, take responsibility for your healing, and be guided in meditation and breathwork to help you achieve your goals.

    The purpose of Soul Work Solo is to support you along a primarily self-guided personal development journey, with monthly live breathwork sessions to facilitate your progress along the way.

  • This subscription option is open to any women over age 18.

    The group coaching is meant to support women deepening their personal development journey, including creating more time freedom in their lives, growing their income, and prioritizing themselves.

    Soul Work Sisterhood helps you show up as your best self for friends and family, and shows you how to create a life you don’t need to take a holiday from.

  • All sessions will be recorded, so you can watch them back at any time. Monthly breathwork sessions are available for all Soul Work students, and the group coaching sessions are part of Soul Work Sisterhood.

  • No experience is necessary, and I will be providing guidance and support that’s relevant for you at each stage on your journey.

  • You have total freedom and flexibility! And I’ve carefully crafted this journey for you, so you can still join any time.

    In each module, we’ll focus on key practices, little and often. It is through repeatedly reminding yourself of powerful, useful information that it starts to rewire your brain. You are literally changing the way you see yourself and life! And when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

  • I’d recommend between 5 hours/month for Soul Work Sisterhood, and 3.5 hours/month for Soul Work Solo.

    The 12-month Soul Work schedule is specifically designed to give you space to digest new content without getting overwhelmed. You can integrate the learnings at your own pace before moving onto the next module. You can also drop in for just one month, or stay the remainder of the 12-month journey. It’s up to you!

About Briony

Hi, I’m Briony!

I am a Certified Mindset Coach with the Proctor Gallagher Institute — having worked directly with Bob Proctor — as well as a Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator and Mentor and Meditation Teacher. 

I have taught thousands of people meditation techniques and led thousands in breathwork, hosting retreats and workshops internationally. I also run corporate wellbeing workshops and speak at conferences, festivals and events on practical wellbeing, human potential and conscious living.

During my recovery, I fell in love with meditation (which was a huge surprise since I am rubbish at slowing down), and that was the beginning of my Hero's Journey.

The more I went down that rabbit hole, I found teachers, training and practices - ancient and modern - that not only helped me recover my sanity but from which I began to feel hope, excitement and joy again.

Nowadays, I am annoyingly optimistic about being part of Team Human! And I am honoured to support people with approaching the big questions in life—What do you want? What's important to you? And how do you make that happen?—all while leaning into life and learning how to be with the full richness of the human experience.

The light and the dark. 

The awesome highs and the crappy lows. 

You and I can work with the full richness of the human experience.

My passion for wellbeing and personal development was born out of my own suffering.

Throughout my 20s, I struggled with work-related stress, epic levels of anxiety, and my physical health was fast eroding from the emotional strain. I also felt a lot of embarrassment and shame about my struggles, so kept it all to myself. 

Then I hit a breaking point.