Letting go of the old ways and creating your own new reality
Happy Friday, beautiful people!
I trust that you’ve had a rich and fulfilling week! Mine has been quite varied, including celebrating client wins (more on which later), multiple breathwork sessions, planning two retreats (online in December and in Wales in February) a couple of cold water dips and an appearance on another podcast!
I had the privilege of speaking to Danny Denhard on his Fixing the Broken World of Work podcast, and once it’s live I’ll be sure to share it with you all.
Anyway, without further ado, here are five inspiring things from my world of coaching, meditation and breathwork. Enjoy!
1. Song of the week
Do You Realise? by The Flaming Lips (Spotify and YouTube)
The fact that we even exist is EXTRAORDINARY! You are totally unique. Which makes you super special. I’ve been reflecting this week on the fact that we can get so caught up in human drama, that we forget how incredible and unique human life is.
Do you realise? Why not zoom out for a second to reflect on the fact, as Wayne Coyne sings, “we’re floating in space”. Just… wow! Take a moment to pause and listen to this song. Gift yourself 3 minutes to feel the awe and splendour of being ALIVE!
And also, just remember that you, Michael, “have the most beautiful face”❣️
2. Quote of the week
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller
Are you disillusioned with the narratives about how the world is? Do you feel the societal systems don’t adequately support our human needs? What if instead of fighting this current reality, you create a new one that makes the old one obsolete? This kind of approach can be so radical.
Whatever is happening in the external world is a reflection of your internal world. What is your external world showing you? Maybe the pain and fear you feel is because you remain attached to old realities, which are no longer serving you. Where attention goes, energy flows.
What do you desire to do with this one wild and precious life? These are the questions that excite me! Craig Seaton and I are hosting another edition of our Create Your Own Reality retreat, where we’ll be exploring the scientific and spiritual truth of how you can create your own reality! If you want to join us Friday 18th – Sunday 20th February 2022, just reply to this email for more information!
3. Practice of the week
Cold water! I am part of a super supportive cold water immersion group, Reservoir Doggs. We meet sporadically for sunrise dips across the North West of England. Last weekend, we met for a lake dip as Storm Arwen landed in the UK overnight. One of the most powerful and damaging winter storms of the last decade, apparently… It was an intense experience! After being in the 7-degree celsius water for 5 minutes, I stood on the shore of Pickmere lake in Knutsford just in my swimming costume..!
The wind howled as it tore through the naked trees around me. The water’s surface was whipping up into little peaks. The sky was grey, with dusty pink on the horizon as the sunrise peeked through. I felt the wind rip around my body, as I got changed into my clothes (wobbling elegantly on one leg at times, trying to pull up my leggings and avoid nearby nettles). I felt a burning sensation across my whole body, as the fierce stormy wind met my goosebumped skin.
It wasn’t comfortable but it wasn’t painful either. It was genuinely… interesting! At that moment, I felt powerful. This is a form of innate resilience-building for me. I am grateful for what the cold is teaching me!
4. Article of the week
How can deep breathing make you more creative? by Sally M Fox
I used to think that creativity was just about the arts. But we’re all creative beings, and all create new things every day. Making a delicious meal for a loved one (or yourself, because you should be your own ultimate loved one!), taking a new route to work on a whim, testing out some new ideas in the gym, having a flash of inspiration at 2am on how to rearrange your bedroom to optimise floorspace, even deciding what clothes you want to wear, or how to style your hair… These are all creative acts!
But can breathing make you more creative? Journalist Sally Fox explores this idea in more detail, looking at how breathing can relieve stress and anxiety, help with concentration, boost your immunity and improve your sleep, all of which can get those creative juices flowing more. This post is written through the lens of, and particularly powerful for, freelancers and business owners, but there’s some excellent advice in there that we could all take heed of.
5. Client win of the week
”I can’t believe it’s all happening so fast!”
Supporting female entrepreneurs with the practical aspects of setting up and streamlining their businesses means I get a front row seat to epic wins all the time! But it’s not just the technical gubbins of marketing and sales I support you with. It’s your BELIEF about what you think you’re capable of. And the wounded stories that come up and hold you back as you step out and lean into your new goals.
With all my coaching clients, we dig into “internal work” (exploring your belief systems) whilst simultaneously doing “external work” (all that fun technical stuff about running a business online). This is how you get to expand personally *and* professionally! Because, as I shared above, your external world is a reflection of your internal world. This is what business coaching with a spiritual framework can look like.
When you stop getting in your own way and take action (rather than spend ages thinking about action), you put that energy out into the world.
What if selling out an in-person event is actually pretty easy? What if you have established organisations reaching out to you, keen to collaborate and offering you an attractive long-term contract? These are both wins of just one client from this last week alone. Drop me an email if you’re keen to find out about business coaching and what working together can look like.
Ok, lovely! That’s it for now. If you’re in a cold climate right now, perhaps you can embrace the cold a lil’ bit! And then enjoy getting all cosy and hygge after.
Big love + a warm hug,
Briony x
P.S. What is this Friday Feels email about? In case you’re reading this for the first time (hello!), I share a weekly email with snippets from my world of coaching, meditation and breathwork. My intention is to share useful, joyful or interesting tidbits, which may serve you in some way 🙏