Productivity and the power of 'just doing it'
I believe every day is just as exciting and deserves celebration! But culturally, Friday has some vibes about it, dunnit? So let’s ride that feel good wave together, shall we?
*drum roll* Here are five inspiring things from my world of coaching, meditation and breathwork this week:
1. Song of the week
Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap (Spotify or YouTube)
This is a toe-tapper. A head-nodder. Maybe even a fist-in-the-air kinda song! I featured this at the end of my in-person breathwork session at BLOK this week. It was beautiful to see the breathers with big smiles and body wiggles. It was a lovely moment. “A moment, a love, a dream, a laugh…”
2. Quote of the week
“Do or do not, there is no try.” – Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
These fateful words were uttered by Steph Magenta when I was at Breathcamp in Glastonbury last week. A Yoda classic, this quote has been floating around my head like mist in a Dagobah swamp ever since. In the last few months, I’ve had a dawning realisation of how much time I spend *thinking* about doing work, rather than actually doing it. And also entertaining and justifying many reasons *why* something can’t happen or is hard/difficult/[insert excuse here]. Can you relate to this at all?
Am I doing? Or not doing? That is the litmus test I can judge myself against… “Shit or get off the pot” may be next week’s quote of the week LOL #StayTuned
3. Practice of the week
Do you fancy levelling up in your productivity? Do you crave more quality time for yourself? Then start to time-batch your tasks, whether you work for yourself or at a business. I am a productivity geek and I love to support clients with getting clear on how you can manage your energy and focus, so you don’t end up scattered all over the place. This 10-minute video summarises time-batching and how you can revolutionise your working week.
4. Article of the week
Ok, this may be a little left-field but I’ll go with it! I was fascinated by the news of the Dragon Man skull in China. It is the enormous skull of a “mysterious group of extinct humans”, Denisovans, who were related to Neanderthals. This other human species goes back 400,000+ years and there’s evidence they had tailored clothes and jewellery – for example, this stunning bracelet is 40,000 years old. Yep, THAT OLD.
I love finds like this. Because, for me, this skull discovery totally blows wide open our stories about who we think we are. It offers up a paradigm shift in the narrative about how human existence has unfolded. Who knows what kind of knowledge we may have had and lost in that time? And given the relative size of Denisovans, perhaps all our myths and legends of giants are really referencing this long-lost human species that once towered above us teeny Homo Sapiens… 🤯
5. A client win I’m celebrating this week
From giant humans to giant wins! (Elegant segue, don’t you think?) A client has just moved from the UK to Portugal! How amazing is that?? She has a passion for travel and that was a big reason she chose to go freelance and work for herself. I love how she’s crafted a lifestyle that can cater for that passion! Moving countries can be daunting at the best of times, so given the additional challenges that can be presented at the moment, I love that she’s not let that dissuade her. She noticed the parts of her that felt scared about the idea of moving, but did it anyway! Listening to her heart and following the call to adventure!
What’s Portuguese for “Legend”?
Are you interested in working with me?
One-to-one business coaching
I have 2x one-to-one coaching slots available at the moment, which are likely to go fast. If you’re hungry for a career transformation, or you want to stop faffing about in your business, drop me an email to find out more about what working together looks like.
Weekly in-person breathwork
If you’re in Manchester, you can join my in-person breathwork sessions every Wednesday at 7am at BLOK. You can pay for single sessions or join BLOK – sign up here. I still do my weekly online sessions at Wednesday 8pm UK time, which are freeeeee (here’s the Zoom link for you to bookmark).
That’s it for now! May the Force be with you.
Big love!
Briony x