Make the most of your gifts and talents!
Well, hello there! I hope you’ve had a spiffing week!
Here’s your sightly belated Friday Feels weekly blog post. With snippets from my world of coaching, meditation and breathwork – with the intention to share information that brings joy, wonder and self-reflection.
1. Song of the week
Hope by Mark Eliyahu (listen on Spotify and YouTube)
I played this song at a breathwork session (I hosted 4x in-person breathwork sessions this week, it’s really ramping up!) A gentleman shared at the end this song felt heavy and beautiful. That it touched something in him that he couldn’t describe. He felt some sadness but it felt somewhat poignant and soft.
Find a quiet moment, if you can, and pop the song on. Close your eyes, take a few long slow deep breaths. What do you feel as you listen? The haunting sounds of a kamancheh, a Persian stringed bow, certainly are evocative. Perhaps something ancient within us remembers the sounds of this ancient instrument.
2. Quote of the week
“God’s gift to you is more talent and ability than you will ever use in one lifetime. Your gift to God is to develop and utilise as much of that talent and ability as you can, in this lifetime.”
— Steve Bow
I believe all humans have an innate deep desire to grow. When our life force is stagnant, we feel the discomfort. When we’re coasting through life – just going through the motions – we know deep down this is not how it’s meant to be. Our soul aches and yearns for more.
How much of your talent and ability do you feel you’re currently using, lovely?
Next weekend, my buddy Craig Seaton and I are hosting our “Create Your Own Reality” retreat! It is an exciting and supportive weekend where you can dig deep into the greatest mystery of all: YOU.
You could spend your weekend doing typical things you do. OR you could do something REALLY different, that has the potential to change your whole life trajectory, and join our retreat! Grab your ticket here.
3. Practice of the week
Connecting to trees!
I love trees. The more I learn about them, the more I wonder why on earth we wipe our butts with these amazing sentient beings. Creatures that LITERALLY GIVE US THE AIR THAT WE BREATHE. What a way to thank them, huh? Maybe I should campaign to bring the bidet to the UK!
Butts aside, check out this incredible podcast episode which speaks of connecting to the wisdom of trees. It’s beautiful and may make you look at our Big Friends (aka trees) in a whole different way.
I already talk to trees but I’m going to make more of an effort to visit the ones that I enjoy seeing and build more of a relationship with them!
4. Teaching of the week
The strangest secret in the world – Earl Nightingale
Have you ever heard this powerful lecture by Earl Nightingale?
The so called “Strangest Secret in the World” is the fundamental truth that your internal world – your thoughts based on your belief system – create your results in life.
I warmly invite you to stop what you are doing right now and bookmark this YouTube clip. Go on, I’ll wait…. go bookmark it, find a time you’re going to listen to it (maybe whilst you’re out on a stroll) and save it to watch later.
Trust me on this! You *really* want to listen to it!
Great! Well done *clap* I think Earl Nightingale also sounds like James Earl Jones, so it makes for lovely listening!
Craig and I touch on similar topics about how our internal world creates our external world “as above, so below” in our Instagram Live – catch the replay here.
5. Client win of the week
“I am her inspiration and if I can turn things around for myself so can she and she feels so much stronger!” 👏🏻😃
As we neared the end of our coaching journey together, a client shared this heart-warming win with me. She was reflecting on a conversation with her adult daughter. My client and I started working together to support her recovery from work-related stress (something I know a lot about personally). She was off sick from work with stress, experiencing frequent panic attacks, feeling overwhelmed. She recognised she was often on autopilot and struggling emotionally, unsure if she’d ever feel ok to go back to work.
In our coaching journey, we explored tools around breathwork, meditation and mindset training. With these tools, she discovered a different way to show up in her life and relationships. This not only facilitated her recovery from burnout, but allowed her to also begin to tap into joy again. “Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured”, she said in one of our first coaching sessions.
Her daughter witnessed her transformation over 4 months and felt empowered by her mother’s change: “I am her inspiration and if I can turn things around for myself so can she and she feels so much stronger!” 👏🏻😃
How beautiful is that? When you are the change you want to see in the world, you inspire others. This is the ripple effect, where everyone in your life benefits from coaching ⭐
I have a couple of coaching spots available, so get in touch if you’d like to know more.
Work with me
If you are wanting to get clear on what’s important to YOU in life, come and join my retreat!
The retreat is 24th – 27th June in North Wales with my good friend, Craig Seaton. What will feature at the retreat?
Breathwork – Cold Water Therapy – Yoga – Meditation – Group Coaching – Hikes in Nature – Vegan Food – Juices – Fire Side Chats – Dream Work – and so much more! ✨
That’s it for this week’s Friday Feels!
Big love,
Briony x
P.S. If you’ve never read one of these blog posts before, oh hey! 👋
Friday Feels is a weekly newsletter and blog where I share inspiring things from my world of coaching, meditation and breathwork. It’s my honour to share what I know and am passionate about. Thanks for sharing this space with me.
And I’d love to hear from you! Any cool things you’re studying and learning about spirituality, personal development or just general life stuff, please do share! I can even feature it in a future Friday Feels email and give you a shout out x
I run my free weekly breathwork sessions, every Wednesday at 8pm UK time. Here’s the Zoom link – pop it in your calendar, so you can join whenever you feel like it.